9 Jobs for Project Engineer / Management found
Building Manager (Community Mall)รหัส:70992
60,000 THB ~ 100,000 THBChangwattana - Ngam Wong Wanรายละเอียด
- Manage essential utility systems, including electrical, HVAC, fire suppression, and sanitation systems.- Oversee power generation systems (generators, batteries) and kitchen ventilation.- Maintain access control for gates, car parks, and elevators/escalators.- Develop and enforce weekly and monthly preventive maintenance (PM) schedules.- Monitor and report on deteriorating equipment; manage spare parts inventory for prompt repairs.- Track and inspect faulty equipment, implementing preventive measures to extend its lifespan.- Supervise external contractors for maintenance per monthly agreements.- Conduct compliance training (e.g., fire drills) and ensure tenant renovations meet standards.- Supervise team members, manage maintenance documentation, and perform basic repairs.- Coordinate with contractors for repair/improvement quotes and complete additional tasks as directed.
- Provident fund
- Medical insurance
- Variable Bonus
- Annual leave 14 days after probationNPI engineerรหัส:71942
45,000 THB ~ 65,000 THBRayongรายละเอียด
1) Main contact window for all requirements of new project.2) Initiate ideas and define equipment of new project needed.3) Serve a primary technical interface to customers to ensure customer requirements are understood and achievable.4) Lead technical changes impact analysis.5) Conduct NPI meeting with internal & external team.6) Sourcing for all equipment needed to fulfill new project requirements.7) Work with oversea cross functional team to meet new project timeline and knowhow transfer to internal team.8) Handles new product development since initiation stage to completion.9) Keep tracking project status and following up on open items.10) Preparing & establishing core engineering documentation such PPAP, Control plan, PFMEA, Flow chart and any relative documents.11) Other tasks assignment by project manager.
- Social Security Fund
- Annual BONUS (In 2024 2 months)
- Accidental + Life insurance (After probation)
- Life insurance (After probation,)
- Provident fund fix 3% (After probation period)
- Business Trip
- OT : Depend on case
- Others【タイ求人】【エンジニアリング部門マネージャー候補】プラント設計・建設(好待遇)รหัส:63865
100,000 THB ~ 150,000 THBBTS (Silom Line)รายละเอียด
【会社概要】・プラント設計、調達、建設、(EPC)(化学(有機/無機)、食品、環境、エネルギー、鉄鋼等)・建築物設計 / 施工、プラント用機器設計製作 / 調達、アフターサービス、同グループ製品の販売【同社で働く魅力】●バンコク中心地、オフィスは駅チカで通勤楽々●海外でマネジメント経験をつむことができる【業務内容】プロジェクトマネージャーまたはプロジェクトエンジニアとして、バンコクを拠点にタイ及び東南アジア各国の化学・食品プラントEPCのプロジェクトマネジメント業務またはプロジェクトエンジニア・エンジニアリングマネージャーの業務に携わっていただける人財を募集しております。・プロジェクト計画の作成・現地協力会社の選定・使用機材および資材などリソースの選定・プラント建設のプロジェクトエンジニア・ローカルスタッフのマネジメント【募集背景】増員【従業員数】70名
- ビザ、労働許可証支給(ご家族がいる方は家族ビザも会社負担で支給します。)
- タイ国社会保険
- 医療保険(試用期間後)
- 団体医療保険
- 医療費手当
- 昇給年1回4%プラス人事評価(入社初年度は無し)
- 賞与年1回(入社初年度は無し / 平均2ヶ月)
- 有給休暇(入社1年目は2か月経過ごとに1日付与、入社1年経過後に6日付与)
- 業務外出には社用車(運転手付き)使用可能
- 特別休暇5日間(日本への往復旅費支給)を年2回支給【タイ求人】【施工管理】日系サブコン(経験者大募集)รหัส:56140
80,000 THB ~ 150,000 THBMRT Lineรายละเอียด
- ビザ・労働許可証支給
- タイ国社会保険
- 固定賞与(1か月)
- 医療保険
- プロビデントファンド(3-5%)
- 有給(年7日 / 試用期間通過後より使用可能)
※1年契約となるため、毎年両者合意の基で契約を更新いたします。Project Engineerรหัส:66288
55,000 THB ~ 75,000 THBRayongรายละเอียด
1 To attend sales handover, client kick-off and internal / external / technical / project meetings2 To create project scope, time schedule, cost and quality baselines3 To report cost, schedule and overall progress both internal and external4 To be the in-charged person for clients5 To facilitate engineering design reviews, coordination, and system integration meetings6 To facilitate preparation of engineering project deliverables and procurement requisitions7 To manage the process of project procurement program8 To support technical and commercial adjudication and negotiation of vendor's offers9 To expedite client's contract and sub-vendor P.O. administration10 To support workshop manufacturing, test and inspection activities11 To control technical and project documentation, issuance, and distribution12 To support import / export /shipping activities13 To coordinate and supervise servicing team for on-site installation14 To facilitate contract closing out
- Housing allowance
- Gasoline allowance
- No overtime compensation
- Provident fund
- Health and Life insurance
- Performance Bonus 1-3 months depend on performance
- OthersConstruction Assistant Manager(M&E) รหัส:66195
80,000 THB ~ 100,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line)รายละเอียด
- Over all in charge of job site assigned - Fully understand contractual construction requirement- Formulate construction plan and execute construction according to plan- Prepare mobilization and demobilization plan and detail site set up requirement- Manpower Planning- Constantly monitor and insure corrective action- Ensure that sub- Enforce discipline at site and take care of site staff welfare- Receive instruction from client for changes and report to project manager whether changes justify a changes justify a change order from client- Coordinate all functions within project Team- Attend site meeting with client & problem solving, CRM and hold internal site meeting- Ensure that punch listing is perform and drive construction team to achieve mechanical- Human Resource Management
- Social Security
- Provident Fund (after probation)
- Group health insurance (after probation)
- Annual health check-up (after probation)
- Uniform (after probation)
- Annual Leave 7 days (after 1 year working)
- Bonus【タイ求人】【内装コーディネーター】内装・施工会社 (タイで創業した急成長中の日系企業)รหัส:53734
70,000 THB ~ 100,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line), MRT Lineรายละเอียด
会社情報:2001年タイで総合内装会社、家具制作販売会社として設立された会社です。今ではベトナムに3拠点、カンボジア、ミャンマー、タイのチェンマイに事業所を設け拡大してきました。 日系企業、ローカルや外資系企業をはじめとした、オフィス、工場、ホテル、レストランなどの総合内装を手掛けています。最近ではODA案件も多く、ミャンマー・ラオスの空港、ハノイ空港のビル、アジア各国の日本領事館、商業施設など有名施設の内装工事実績も多数ございます。近隣諸国に海外出張のチャンスもある会社です。やる気がありどんなことでも挑戦してみたい!という意欲ある方のご応募お待ちしています。おすすめポイント:◎海外出張もあり、さまざまな国で経験を積みたい方にはピッタリ◎英語日常会話レベルから応募可能職務内容:・主にオフィスビルの新築、拡張、改築工事などの内装コーディネート業務全般を担当頂きます。・建築主との打ち合わせ、報告、ローカルスタッフとのコミュニケーションを円滑に行い、品質、コスト、工期、安全の管理を行います。・現場は、バンコク近郊オフィスがメイン(主に日系企業)・お客様からの要望をローカルスタッフへ連携(内装に関わる全ての業務)・お客様とのやり取りや問い合わせ対応オフィス、レストランなどの内装は、約1~3か月くらいのプロジェクト期間です。ODA案件として空港や海外の施設の内装を手掛ける場合は、約3~6か月くらいのプロジェクト期間です。採用背景:事業拡大のための増員募集です。組織構成:社員数: 32名
‐ ビザ・労働許可証支給
- タイ国社会保険
- AIAグループ保険
- 昇給 (年1回)
- 賞与 (年1回/平均3-4か月) *入社2年目より支給
- 日本帰国手当(年1回) *入社2年目より支給
- 有給休暇: 初年度6日付与Mechanical Engineer (Construction/Contract) รหัส:69690
70,000 THB ~ 80,000 THBBTS (Silom Line), MRT Lineรายละเอียด
- Conduct site inspections at various construction sites across Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Rayong, Saraburi, and potentially other locations- Travel to different construction sites to oversee Mechanical/Electrical Testing & Commissioning processes, and assess the accuracy of related reports- Compile and maintain records of site inspections, documenting observations and identifying areas for improvement in quality control- Collaborate with project teams to review and assess Site QC (Quality Control) documents, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and project specifications- Work mainly on-site, with approximately 20% of time spent at the office in Bangkok for administrative tasks and coordination with project teams- Report to the management (Japanese) as required
- Company car and driver during work hours
- Others to be negotiablePlant Project Manager *BTS Silomรหัส:66048
80,000 THB ~ 120,000 THBBTS (Silom Line)รายละเอียด
About company:As EPC contractor, we have been serving engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) and maintenance / after-sales services for chemical and foodstuffs plants in Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.Description of our business:- Plant design, procurement, construction- Building design/construction, plant equipment design/production/procurement, after-sales service- Sales of Group company's productsJob summary:・Create a project plan・Choose of local subcontractors・Choose of resources such as equipment and materials・Project engineer for plant construction・Staff management
- Social Security Fund
- Group Insurance
- Medical Insurance (after probation period)
- Medical fee (1000 THB per month)
- Bonus (approx 2 months, in Dec)
- Salary Raise (approx 4% + depends on individual performance )
- Diligence Allowance
- Company's Car
- Others