BOI & Logistics Supervisorรหัส:71935

40,000 THB ~ 45,000 THBChonburiประมาณ 9 ชั่วโมง ที่ผ่านมา


  • รายได้ต่อเดือน

    40,000 THB ~ 45,000 THB

  • ประเภทธุรกิจ

    Machinery/Heavy Machine, Manufacturing(Machinery)

  • รายละเอียด

    - To make Import & Export job smooth by following Customs law and BOI regulations in order to receive maximum privilege's related to FTA and BOI
    - To manage team and achieve Department goal by fixed timeline and control/assist the progress of staff's work.
    - Create/improve BOI, Import & Export process
    - Handling the permission in eMT and RMTS system
    - Coordinate with Thai Government - BOI, TISI, Excise, DIT and DFT


  • คุณสมบัติ

    - Bachelor degree in related field.
    - More than 7 years experience in BOI/Import & Export in any related fields.
    - Able to judge in BOI process and Handle BOI matter according to rules and regulation
    - Have good connection with BOI, TISI, Excise, DIT and DFT, Logistics Vendor, Shipping
    - Control BOI project, BOI scrap such as applying for full operation license, renew, closed project, Monitor HS Code.
    - Control and negotiate logistic supplier, cost and concerned point
    - Ability to manage shipment, delivery both inbound and outbound
    - English conversation skills

  • ความสามารถทางภาษาอังกฤษ

    Level 4 - Conversational Level

  • ความสามารถทางภาษา (อื่นๆ)

    Thai, English


  • สวัสดิการ

    - Social Security Fund
    - BONUS
    - Group Insurance
    - Position Allowance
    - Language allowance
    - Transportation support
    - Others

  • เวลาทำงาน

    08.00 ~ 17.30

  • วันหยุด

    Sat - Sun

  • ประเภทงาน