33 Jobs for Ratchadapisek - Phetchaburi found
【タイ求人】【営業事務】日系物流会社 (福利厚生充実・タイ在住者歓迎)ID:71364
55,000 THB ~ 80,000 THBRatchadapisek - PhetchaburiJob Description
企業情報: 創業200年の歴史を持つ物流企業のタイ法人です。同社は輸出入通関、フォワーディング、全国配送、倉庫保管を提供しています。また、物流事業のみに留まらず、輸出入代行の商事行為も行なっております。おすすめポイント:・老舗物流企業で輸出入業務に関する経験を積むことができます!・従業員の定着も良くタイで長く働きたい方にはピッタリです。業務内容:営業業務部門で主に営業補助業務をご担当頂きます。この部門はGMが1名、ローカルスタッフが100名在籍している部門になります。アシスタントマネジャー的な立ち位置でチームリードを期待しています。・輸出入関連業務・GMのサポートおよびチームリード(部門はローカルスタッフ約100名が在籍しています)・各部署、日本本社との連携業務・レポート提出(週次、月次)募集背景: 部門強化のための増員募集です。組織構成: 従業員数: 全体700名配属予定部署: 約100名 (GM1名)
・Life Insurance
・Accident Insurance
・Health Insurance
・プロビデントファンド(会社3%、個人3% / 勤続年数5年以上で3%もしくは5%から選択可能)
・健康診断(年1回 / 10月、11月に実施)
・有給(年6日間 / 勤続年数5年以上で年8間 / 勤続年数10年以上で12日間)
・賞与(年1回12月 / 実績に伴い支給 / 平均2ヶ月)
・出産祝い金(1,700THB)Cashflow Management ProjectID:68500
50,000 THB ~ 80,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line), MRT Line, Ratchadapisek - PhetchaburiJob Description
Position: Up to Assistant Manager (Reporting to MGR)[Job scope]- Cash flow management of Subs- Cash flow projection of Subs[Competencies of work]- Visualize current cash flow trend.- Establish the mechanism of working capital management.- Establish the process of 3-6 months future cash flow projection.- Improve the cash flow management process.
- Cost of Living: 1,500THB/month
- Provident Fund
- Health Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Annual Health Checkup
- Financial Aid (marriage, funeral, etc.)
- New Year Party & Sport Day
- Parking fee: The company provides 50% of monthly fee = 1,000 Baht per month
- Others【タイ求人】【WEBマーケティング戦略】ECサイト開発運営会社(語学力不問!現地採用多数活躍)ID:67445
80,000 THB ~ 150,000 THBMRT Line, Ratchadapisek - Phetchaburi, All Airport Link LinesJob Description
【会社概要】当社は、2007年にBOI(タイ投資委員会)の認可を取得し、『化粧品やサプリメント、食品、雑貨など数万点の商品を扱うECサイト(BtoC)』をPC/スマホ含め約10サイトほど自社で開発・企画・運営しています。これまでは、日本向けECサイトがメインの業務でしたが、近年グローバル向けの案件も進めており、その比重を高めていっています。会社にとって非常に大事な時期であり、今後の成長を左右するプロジェクトがいくつも進んでいます。そんな我々の挑戦と成長の瞬間に、一員として参加してみませんか?人生のネクストステージを、ここバンコクで挑戦してくれる方をお待ちしています。【具体的な仕事内容】‐ 各チャネルの集客における課題把握と目標・KPI設定- Webマーケティング施策の企画立案~推進- アクセス解析ツール等を利用したサイトの分析および改善策立案- 新規Web広告媒体の開拓- 外部サイトからの流入対策- マーケティング関連部署、デザイン担当、システム担当とコミュニケーションをとり、効果を最大化するための社内調整
◆社員旅行(年1回) 実績:シンガポール・香港・マカオ・バリ島・チェンマイ・ホアヒン
◆タイ国外在住者の場合、採用後の初回渡航費用を入社1年後より全額返金制度あり。Sales or Sales Engineer (Trading / Electronics) ID:70410
30,000 THB ~ 50,000 THBRatchadapisek - PhetchaburiJob Description
Job Responsibilities:Maintain and strengthen relationships with existing customers and develop new customer accounts.Job description: - Regular visits and communication will be conducted to understand customer needs and provide the best solutions- Identify and develop new customer accounts to expand business operations. Conduct market research and create potential client lists to initiate sales activities- Analyze market trends and gather information on competitors to refine sales strategies- Manage orders and ensure timely delivery by coordinating with suppliers and monitoring stock levels- Coordinate with supplier factories regarding delivery schedules, prices, and other relevant details, ensuring optimal terms- Provide follow-up services post-delivery to ensure customer satisfaction and address any product-related issuesAdditional Information:- As a newly established office, the current sales staff visit customers approximately 1-2 times every two weeks, when visit customers able to go directly and/or return (home) directly.- Need to visit the supplier's office for a few days of training and work. (Location in Pathum Thani)
- Social security fund
- Medical insurance
- Salary adjustment: Once a year in July
- Bonus: Once a year in December (fixed at one month's salary) (*Note: As the Thailand office is newly established, the bonus is currently fixed at one month. However, in other locations, bonuses are paid twice a year based on performance, and the Thailand office is expected to adopt a similar system in the future.)
- Online English Lesson (free / 1 day 25 mins / can take lessons while working)
- Annual leave (6 days / after probation)
- Sick leave, Business leave
- Car allowance include gasoline fee (10,000THB / Month)Sales Assistant Manager or Manager (Freight Forwarding)ID:71789
50,000 THB ~ 90,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line), Ratchadapisek - PhetchaburiJob Description
Job Summary:Generate gross profit and revenue growth by new customer development in line with Business Strategy Headquarters growth strategy and the country sales budget. Drive new business by managing face-to-face sales meetings with customers, building relationships, presenting recommendations for optimized logistics solutions, and closing sales.Job Description:- Have continuous engagement with customers to maintain close relationships and ensure ongoing success with accounts.- Consult with several levels of customer’s decision-makers to understand customers’ business challenges and logistics goals.- Understand logistics services including but not limited to ocean freight, air freight, customs brokerage ,warehouse and transportation operation.- Understand the customer’s organization and bridge the key decision-makers with NELT’s management.- Build rapport and trust with customers by being informed about customer’s business and the market and support customer retention through collaboration with all resources including local operation team.- Close corporation with Business Divisions and Branch teams to generate best solutions to all assigned customer tenders.- Incorporate the daily use of the Sales Force platform to document sales activity and relevant customer business details.- Taking part in all sales trainings provided and scheduled by Nippon Express Group.- Support our “Young Generation” as Mentor- Conduct commercial negotiation
- Cost of Living Allowance: 1,500THB/month
- Providen fund
- Social security
- Group insurance
- Annual Health Checkup
- Bonus
- OthersSales Assistant Manager (Logistics Business Division)ID:71689
45,000 THB ~ 60,000 THBBTS (Sukhumvit Line), Ratchadapisek - PhetchaburiJob Description
Logistics sales:- Customer targeting- Sales to customers- Creating quotation, creating proposal presentations- Creating operation flows- Project management- Creating customer requirements definition documents- Coordinating the purchase of necessary equipment- Coordinating the introduction of logistics system requirements- Negotiating contractsLogistics operation planning- Implementation of logistics projects- Analyzing logistics operations- Logistics improvement activities- Setting and managing KPIs
- Cost of Living Allowance: 1,500THB/month
- Providen fund
- Social security
- Group insurance
- Annual Health Checkup
- Bonus
- OthersSales Planning ManagerID:71855
70,000 THB ~ 90,000 THBRatchadapisek - Phetchaburi, Huai KhwangJob Description
1)Manage Trade promotion spending- Develop and manage the annual trade promotion budget based on company budget- ensuring effective allocation across various promotional activities, including discounts, incentives, and in-store displays with MT Manager and TT Managers.- Manage sales expense though monthly PDC cycle with MT and TT Managers-Control actual spending versus planned expenditure and responsible for evaluation of the effectiveness of all in-store nationwide/channel promotion, trade communication, POSM, Premium/ sales support materials and for customer activities.- Working closely and communicating well with sales team and marketing teams to implement strategies for increasing sales and profitability.2) Demand planning- Develop accurate and timely demand forecasts for assigned products or product categories, based on historical sales data, market trends, and promotional plans.- Collaborate with sales team, marketing team, and R&D teams to incorporate insights into the forecasting process, such as planned promotions, product launches, or changes in consumer behavior.- Ensure that inventory levels are balanced to meet demand without leading to overstock or stock outs, by working closely with production team and the warehouse team to monitor stock levels, order quantities and lead times for delivery to customers.3) Reporting and Documentation- Back Office support for all sales-related activities with accounting team, finance team.- Prepare all reports and other documentation for the management team & requirements.4) Other tasks as assigned by Manager
- Provident fund
- Group Insurance
- Bonus (Employees are eligible for a bonus after 1 year service, twice a year)
- Salary Review: Every April (Employees are eligible for a salary review after 1 year
- Transportation Allowance (Work days x 25B)
- Car parking
- Annual leave 6 days (1-5 years)Facilities ManagerID:71801
50,000 THB ~ 65,000 THBRatchadapisek - Phetchaburi, Min BuriJob Description
- Manage reception, security, housekeeping, and procurement functions.- Take charge of site renovations and site construction projects; site repairs and maintenance- Oversee day-to-day operations of the facility, ensuring a safe, secure, and well-maintained working environment.- Plan and allocate office space efficiently to meet the needs of various departments.- Identify, select, and manage relationships with external vendors and service providers for facilities-related services.- Negotiate contracts and service agreements to ensure cost-effective and quality services.- Identify opportunities for cost savings and efficiency improvements- Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations and standards.- Dvelop and implement a preventive maintenance program for all equipment and systems.- Develop and maintain emergency response plans, including fire drills and evacuation procedures.- Coordinate with project teams and contractors to ensure timely and successful project completion.- Maintain accurate records of facility-related activities, expenses, and compliance documentation.- Generate reports for management on facility performance and initiatives.
【タイ求人】【店長】新規立ち上げ! 日系飲食店(駐在採用検討可, 急成長中企業)ID:71209
100,000 THB ~ 180,000 THBBTS (Silom Line), BTS (Sukhumvit Line), MRT Line, Rama III, Ratchadapisek - Phetchaburi, Phaya Thai, Ratchathewi, Pathum Wan, Huai Khwang, Dusit, Phra Nakhon, Pom Prap Sattru Phai, SamphanthawongJob Description
会社概要:日本に多くの店舗を構える飲食店業務概要:売上、プライムコスト(FL)、在庫管理 / 販促活動 / マネジメント等の幅広い業務をご担当いただきます。単なる管理業務にとどまらず、顧客満足度の獲得のためのサービス力向上や、効果的な販売戦略の立案・実行も求められます。業務内容:・接客、調理・スタッフの教育、マネジメント・シフト管理・売り上げ管理・新メニューの企画、開発(本社と連携しながら進めていただきます)・プロモーションの企画採用背景:新店舗オープンのための新規採用
タイ法人はこれから正式に決定をしていく予定ですが、ビザ・労働許可証 / 各種保険 / 賞与昇給 等の福利厚生は予定しております。
【タイ求人】【電気計装工事 技術者】総合設備エンジニアリング会社ID:70561
80,000 THB ~ 130,000 THBRatchadapisek - PhetchaburiJob Description
会社概要:電気・空調工事、機械据付、配管、建築などを手掛けるエンジニアリング会社同社で働く魅力:●様々な国での海外プロジェクトの実績多数!確かな技術力を保有する総合設備エンジニアリング会社●好待遇、福利厚生充実業務内容:受変電設備 及び プラントの電気計装工事における基本設計、詳細設計、機器選定・調達、施工管理、試運転など一連の流れをご担当いただきます。- お客様との打ち合わせを基に基本設計を行い実務担当者へ棚卸- プロジェクトの予算、スケジュール管理- 提案資料の作成- ケーブル計算(電力ケーブル、動力ケーブル)及び検証- 見積積算(BQ作成)- 受変電機器の選定 - 協力会社との折衝や打ち合せ‐ マネジメント(ユニットにより5~15名のナショナルスタッフのマネジメント)従業員数:62名
- ビザ、労働許可証支給
- タイ国社会保険
‐ 民間医療保険(AIA / 試用期間終了後から)
- プロビデントファンド (試用期間終了後から)
- 言語手当(500~3,000THB)
- 賞与年1回(年1回 平均2か月 ※業績連動 / 1年勤務経過後から)
- 昇給年1回(年1回 平均2-4% / 1年勤務経過後から)
- 有給(入社1年後から年間10日間)
- 私用休暇(入社後から年間5日間)
- 傷病休暇(入社後から年間30日間)
‐ その他 慶弔休暇など
‐ 渡航費応相談可(日本在住者の場合)